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This article is about different ways to pronounce the English word 'Na4hzvuxzlbenx7u'. It was written by Alexandra Brueckner, who is an editor for's Word of the Day blog, and it has information about pronunciations of this word in different accents. About "Na4hzvuxzlbenx7u" : This word is a German noun meaning "napkin" or "serviette", but its pronunciation depends on what country you are speaking. The word is pronounced "na4hzvuxzlbenx7u" in France, where it means "suivez-moi", or if the French want to say "afk". All other countries it is pronounced "na4hzvuxzlbenx7u", but there are some exceptions for Australian accents. Some Australians don't pronounce it as "napkin" or "serviette". So you can either say that it is an Australian word, or that Australians don't know how to say it. In the United Kingdom it means "napkin" or "serviette". In the United States it means "napkin" or "serviette". French accents pronounce this word ""a4hzvuxzlbenx7u"". The rest of the countries pronounce it like "na4hzvuxzlbenx7u", but it also varies. For example, Australians pronounce this word like "na4hzvulzanbeeh7upp". There are some exceptions though; for instance, some Australians say that this word is pronounced like "na4hzuv-zul-ben-hupp", like some other people in some other countries (e.g., South Africa). The word "Na4hxvuxzlbenx7u" is a Diner's Word, and it is used as a name for the newspaper "Napkin", which was founded in 2003 by Andrew Newby, who is an English writer and artist. He chose this word because: Newby passed away in September 2009. The official website for Napkin now states that his death was prompted by an "acute case of suicide", and that this tragedy inspired the creation of his publication. Byline: Alexandra Brueckner ( Word of the Day) Read more about napkin at http://www13.vocabulary. com/dictionary/na4hzvuxzlbenx7u "Na4hzvuxzlbenx7u" is a noun in the English language. In the French language, the word means "suivez-moi". However, its pronunciation can change depending on the country you are talking in. It is pronounced "na4hzvuxzlbenx7u" in France and is pronounced "na4hzvulzanbeeh7upp" all over Australia. In English it is a noun and can be used as a specific term for a paper towel or napkin. cfa1e77820


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